
Opening hours


Opening hours

Open from 29. May to 1. November
09-17.00 all days


Opening hours

Open from 1. April to 31. October
09-17.00 all days

Opening hours

Open from 1. April to 31. October
09-17.00 all days


Opening hours

Open from 1. April to 31. October
09-17.00 all days

Exhibitions you can always see in the Frøslev Camp

Explore the five different museums and exhibitions in one of Europe’s best-preserved prisoner camps – The Frøslev Camp.
See the history of Denmark from different angles and feel the presence of history, when the present meets the past. Create your own experience or book a guided tour.

The Frøslev Camp Museum

Your entrance to an exciting chapter of Denmark’s history.

Find more information and plan your visit to the museum.


the history of

the Frøslev Camp


the Danish soldiers on their

to all the world’s nerve centres

The UN Museum

Danish soldiers’ operations all over the world.

Learn more about the conditions and daily life of the Danish soldiers deployed on international missions.

The Danish Emergency Management Agency

See the history of Beredskabsforbundet from 1930 and until today.

Learn much more about the work and development of the rescue services over the years.


The Danish Emegency

Management Agency


The development

of Denmark’s voluntary defence

The Home Guard Museum 

Come visit and see the tasks of the Home Guard today and in earlier days.

Amnesty International in the Frøslev Camp

Be inspired by Amnesty’s work for a better world and see their exhibition.


Amnesty International’s fight

for human rights

The Friends of Frøslev Camp Association

Support and learn more of the work of Foreningen Frøslevlejrens Venner to maintain and improve the Frøslev Camp for you and other visitors.

Plan your trip to the Frøslev Camp

Be ready for a surprise and new experiences when you visit the camp which oozes history and is guaranteed to move your world view.

D.s.i. Frøslevlejren

VAT NO. 42860654


D.s.i. Frøslevlejren

VAT NO. 42860654
