Opening hours
From 01. April to 31. October
to visit the exhibition

Barrack H2 of Frøslev Camp houses Hjemmeværnsmuseet (the Home Guard Museum). This museum was established in 1988 by a group of passionate Home Guardsmen with a historic interest. They wanted to spread the knowledge of the Home Guard and its history over the years.
Exhibition of the development of the Home Guard
Visit this museum to explore the history of the Danish Home Guard. The exhibition informs you of the development of the Home Guard from its establishment just after World War II and until today, including the development of uniforms, equipment and machinery of the different sub-units of the Home Guard over the years. For instance, you can see the equipment handed out to a Home Guardsman in 1957, in 1987 and until today.
The exhibition also holds some surprises for you. Did you know, for instance, that voluntary Home Guardsmen have been on duty outside Denmark? They have independently or as a support to the Danish Defence solved tasks far away from home. That is also part of the exhibition which is divided into nine parts:
- Guarding in Afghanistan
- Guarding in Kosovo
- Civil construction in Afghanistan
- Structuring a Home Guard in the Baltic States
- Education in sea rescue services in Africa etc.
- Structuring a National Guard in Georgia
- Guarding of planes in Mali
- Education of soldiers in Kenya
- Education of soldiers in Iraq
Blue and green borders
2018 saw the opening of a new special exhibition at the museum. This exhibition shows how the Home Guard has assisted the policy in connection with the temporary border control. Together with text and pictures, exhibits from the two Home Guard border control units at “the green border” in Southern Jutland and “the blue border” in Rødby and Gedser tell the story of the border control. The exhibition shows a relevant Home Guard task with specially trained Home Guardsmen. Together with the police they have been trained to handle tasks which may appear in connection with the border control.
Movable exhibition
Parts of the exhibition at the Hjemmeværnsmuseum are doubled and used for recruitment campaigns with local units of the Home Guard. The posters telling the story of the efforts abroad and the support to the Danish border control travel around the country to help disseminate the most recent stories of the Home Guard, so the museum.
See the video presentation in the Home Guard’s barracks
A videotaped interview about the Home Guard’s barracks in the Frøslev Camp (ALT Aabenraa Local TV). (The video is in Danish). Watch hereOpening hours
From 01. April to 31. October
to visit the exhibition

The Frøslev Camp, Barak H3
Lejrvejen 99
6330 Padborg
v/ Anders Hygum Olsen
Tel.: 41 74 68 29
Contact the custodian
Telephone number directly to the custodian apartment:
+45 74 67 68 38
Anders Hygum Olsen
Tel.: +45 41746829/
+45 50720611
The exhibition
Frøslevlejren, Barak H2
Lejrvejen 101
6330 Padborg
D.s.i. Frøslevlejren
VAT NO. 42860654